Still have questions? Or prefer to talk to someone?
A genetic expert is available to answer questions from paediatricians, via phone or email.

Who is this service for?
This is a secondary consultation service for paediatricians. It is only for paediatricians in Australia who need support with ordering a Medicare-funded test.
How the genetic expert can help you
The genetic experts on call are genetic counsellors. They are experienced allied health professionals trained in both genetics and counselling. They can help you to provide information and support that addresses your patients’ needs and circumstances.
The genetic expert can help you with:
- Determining if your patient is eligible for a Medicare funded genomic test
- Explaining the test order process at different labs
- Roleplaying consent discussions with you
- Supporting you to handle complex family dynamics in relation to genetic testing
- Supporting you to understand and disclose results
- Finding your local clinical genetics service
- Knowing which cases to refer directly to a clinical geneticist
- Answering any other questions you might have – go ahead and ask them!
Getting approval to order a Medicare funded genomic test
To order a Medicare funded genomic test, you will need approval from a clinical geneticist at a service that covers your practice area. The genetic expert can help put you in touch with one. Please note some laboratories have clinical geneticist approval included in their order processes.
Talk to a genetic expert
Our genetic expert on-call can be contacted Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm. You can leave a message outside these hours. Your enquiry will be returned within 48 hours.
Call: 03 9340 9102 | Email: or use the form below.