Revolution becomes routine
From ‘genomic x-rays’ to step-by-step guides to problem solving in hospitals, Alliance experts are working hard to make genomics accessible to all Victorians who need it, closer to home.
Report from the Executive Director
Professor Clara Gaff

Ten years ago, Melbourne Genomics was formed to bring genomic medicine into Victoria. Two years from now, it will end as always planned.
We knew back then that genomics would revolutionise patient care – but as author and comedian Bassam Youssef points out: “A revolution is not an event. It is a process.” Thus, the Alliance members together embarked on a staged process to bring genomic testing into Victoria’s complex, adaptive and decentralised healthcare system.
Our projects have always explored real-world barriers and solutions. This year, we invited hospitals across the state to join us in co-creating a clinical governance framework for genomics. This triggered valuable conversations between the clinicians who are championing this emerging field of medicine, and the hospital leaders responsible for ensuring it can be provided safely and effectively.
We gave revolutionary ideas space to grow. This year, brilliant clinicians explored ways to support their medical and nursing colleagues to use genomics, bring genomics into their specialities, and even road-test new uses for genomics. In doing so, they are informing models of care that are ideally suited to Victoria.
Our Victorian alliance is just one arm of a broader movement across the country. We stand alongside other genomics consortia, patient support groups and industry bodies, all advocating for the equitable use of genomics in healthcare.
The formation of the Australian Alliance for Indigenous Genomics (ALIGN) was a significant step towards equity. We were honoured to provide administrative support to the Victorian node of ALIGN, and to partner with VACCHO to explore how genomic medicine can equitably benefit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria.
As the Melbourne Genomics program works towards its planned end, I am heartened by the number of families and communities, doctors and scientists, researchers and policymakers who are now ready to take genomics forward.
What's in this report?
- How co-designing clinical governance frameworks can help hospitals make good decisions about implementing safe and effective genomic medicine
- 'Genomic x-rays' are enabling clinicians provide personalised care to transplant patients
- Just-in-time genomics resources are giving clinicians the confidence boost they need
- Nine ways genetic counsellors support the use of genomics in care
- Implementation Fellows are innovating on the front line